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Application for Conference Funding

Who can apply?

Any SPA member

What fields and locations are eligible for funding?

All locations in the US - must share conference link/ call for papers or presentations


What are the presentation guidelines; How do you intend to present?

Must be a presentation of 15 min or longer, workshop or panel inclusion


What materials do I need to submit for approval?

  • Abstract

  • Description of how your topic promotes social pedagogy in the US - Recommended 150 - 300 words

  • A link to the conference website


How much can I apply for?

  • Up to $500


How and when will funds be disbursed?

  • When possible, funds will be disbursed directly to the applicant upon receipt of proof of invite to present.

  • Proof of invite to present (i.e., email from conference staff)


How long before the conference can I apply? How long will it take to approve applications? 

Our goal is to send approval within two weeks to a month of receipt of application, but please allow time. You will be given feedback, yes, no or pending, within one month of application—approval can be made prior to conference submission but final funding is contingent on conference acceptance.


Who approves applications?

Applications will be approved by a committee of SPA board members.


What is expected following presentation: 

Reflection: Blog entry ( approx 1500 words) with 2 to 4 photos, youtube video, Webinar, or “podcast” 


Application Guidelines

  1. Google form for applications

  2. FAQ website

  3. Discuss Membership plans, pricing, guidelines

  4. Present to final product to board for approval of process and discussion

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We are a volunteer organization and your donation helps us continue our work toward a better future. 

We are a U.S. registered 501(c)(3).  EIN: 82-4093444

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